How to Measure Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty is vital to any business. Whether you’re an emerging startup or a thriving company launching a new campaign, knowing how to measure customer loyalty is essential to any growth strategy. Customer loyalty data can provide insight into your products and services, customer support, marketing, and more. It’s valuable for direct-to-consumer businesses (B2C) as […]

Things Your Digital Advertising Campaign May Be Missing

Ever wondered what gaps are lurking beneath the surface of your marketing campaign? Amid the ever-changing landscape of marketing, even the best digital advertising campaigns can overlook crucial elements that can dramatically affect their performance.  In this blog, we’ll explore some of the most often-missed aspects of digital advertising.  Understanding Your Media Strategy Mastering your […]

What You Need to Know About Vanity Metrics

Metrics and data are the driving forces of business decisions. However, some metrics should have a greater influence on decisions than others. When making important business decisions, it’s crucial to know the difference between vanity and actionable metrics. Oftentimes, businesses get wrapped up in engagement metrics, also known as vanity metrics. Using data collected from […]

Finding The Right Podcast to Advertise On

Podcast advertising can be an ingenious way to get the word out about a brand or business. It’s an engaging and effective advertising method, especially when podcasting remains such a massive industry, with around 3 million podcasts available, coming from all over the world and touching on various topics, interests, niches, and demographics.  Unlike radio, […]

Return On Ad Spend And You: Ensuring Your Online Advertising Is Efficient

Advertising is important. No matter what industry you’re in, advertising is probably a common component of an effective marketing strategy. The truth is, though, that if advertising isn’t effective, it can be more harmful to the company’s bottom line than helpful. To keep an eye on the effectiveness of ad campaigns on the company’s bottom […]

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