The Pros and Cons of TV Advertising


Since the airing of the very first television commercial in 1941, television still takes the lead as the most influential advertising platform. Fifty-nine percent of American adults still cite cable channels as their primary source of TV consumption. But with the rise of streaming, it’s natural to wonder about the role of television commercials in today’s marketing climate. Is television still advertising’s darling?

As advertising pros, we say: Definitely.

Despite what many might think, this age-old medium continues to be powerful in the race to win over audiences across the globe. Our rich collective experience tells us loud and clear that commercials are a positive benefactor in most cases.

But as with any evolving medium, there are some downsides of this beloved method, too. So what does this mean for your marketing strategy?

Get Informed on the Pros and Cons of TV Advertising

There’s no definitive answer for whether you should or should not use TV advertising. To come to the right conclusion, you’ll need to carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of TV advertising alongside your enterprise’s scope, needs, and budget. Luckily the experts at Bloom Ads have put together a quick guide to the pros and cons of TV advertising so you can do just that.

Before we dive into the deep abyss, let’s review the pros of TV advertising:

Pros of TV Advertising

Pro 1: TV Has Extensive Reach

Unlike other conventional methods of advertising, television boasts a reputation for gaining the largest audience. In today’s society, a vast majority of older adults didn’t grow up in a technologically advanced age. If what your enterprise needs most is broad exposure, it doesn’t get much wider than with television.

With that being said: if your general customer base is forty or older, television ads are money well spent. You just can’t argue with television’s exposure factor. Just carefully consider the time of day and region of your TV advertising slots to make sure you’re meeting your target audience where and when they are watching.

Pro 2: Commercials Are Simple to Analyze

If you’ve watched your fair share of television, then you’ll know it’s simple to grasp the concept of a commercial’s message. Instead of having to read and retain information, watching the message play out before your eyes leads to a faster (and clearer) retention rate.

Television commercials can shock, cause laughter, or tell a story – all of which create instant memories and helps your message sink in.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_btn title=”Take Advantage Of TV Advertising – Learn More” style=”flat” color=”info” align=”center” link=”|title:Take%20Advantage%20Of%20TV%20Advertising%20%20-%20Learn%20More||”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Cons of TV Advertising

Con 1: TV Advertising Is Costly

Unlike traditional advertising mediums, television commercials are the most expensive to produce. From keeping the commercial on the air to creating the content, the numbers quickly begin to add up. Additionally, it takes quite some time to produce a commercial in most cases, so you want to be sure that your television advertisements clearly execute your brand’s message in a timeless way that isn’t contingent on shifting trends.

Con 2: Commercials Are Semi-Permanent

Changing the content of a commercial after it has been published on airwaves is a difficult task. Unlike print/digital advertisements, changing a commercial would take a long time — even to make a small change. This would ultimately result in spending more money, and might eventually lead to creating a new commercial. Make sure you have a clear concept from the start and a budget big enough for edits.

Take Advantage of TV Advertising Pros with the TV Advertising Pros

As experts in the pros and cons of TV advertising, no one’s better equipped than we are to help you narrow down the best ad campaign for you while maximizing the advantages of the medium of television.

Want to get your commercial right the first time? Contact our professionals here at Bloom Ads, and we’ll be happy to answer your questions or help you get started on your next ad campaign. Visit our website to learn more about our advertising services or give us a call directly at 818-703-0218.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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