Understanding a Buyer’s Journey Towards a Purchase

How often do you go into a store and decide to buy the very first thing you see, regardless of what is it or if you even need or want it? We’re guessing never. That’s because there is a process that every buyer goes through before actually making a purchase.

When it comes to marketing your product or service, it’s crucial to understand a buyer’s journey so you can ensure your efforts end with a purchase.

The Awareness Phase

In the first phase of the buyer’s journey, a buyer becomes aware of the problem they have. This could be something as simple as needing something for dinner or as complex as having a broken arm and needing a doctor.

During the Awareness Phase, buyers consider how to educate themselves about their problem, what will happen if they don’t make a purchase, and if the problem is a challenge or easily obtained. In the example of needing dinner, the buyer could: decide takeout is easier than cooking, realize not getting dinner could result in their being famished and thus dinner is easily obtained.

The Consideration Phase

In this phase, the buyer considers the options for solving their problem and weighs the pros and cons of each option. In our example, this is when buyers would start researching local eateries and determine the pros and cons of each, such as price, waiting time for food or a table, and distance from their home.

The Decision Phase

Here is where buyers actually make a decision using knowledge gained in the Consideration Phase and choose what to purchase. Finally, our buyer has determined that, since he or she doesn’t want to wait long and is looking for reasonably-priced food, they choose an Italian restaurant less than 10 minutes away, that is well in budget.

If you have any questions about the services that we offer, do not hesitate to reach out by calling 818-703-0218. You can also visit our website to learn more about our media buying and planning services.

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