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Should I Run Radio Ads for My Business?

Radio advertisements are a great way to reach your audience – no matter where they are! They are an efficient way to generate brand awareness, grow your business, and push promotional content, but are they the right advertising medium for you? Here are a few of the benefits radio advertising can offer.

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How to Create an Effective TV Commercial

Are television commercials part of your holiday marketing mix? You’ll want to make sure that your campaign is designed to target and engage your audience. Here are a few tips to help you create an effective and eye-catching TV commercial for the holiday season.

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How to Create an Effective Email Marketing Campaign

Email marketing is a great way to reach customers who are already interested in learning more about your brand. But how do you get them to open, read and click through? With the right email marketing strategy in place, you can keep readers engaged and improve ROI. These tips will help you create an effective email marketing campaign for the holidays.

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5 Ways to Improve Your Print Advertisements

Print advertisements can be an effective and powerful way to reach a local audience. It’s the perfect medium for establishing a brand identity, reaching a wide audience and communicating with your target market. As a brand, you want to make the most out of these impressions. Here are a few tips to help you take your print advertisements to the next level.

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7 Common Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

When looking to create the perfect marketing plan, business owners tend to focus on the latest trends and tips. While this is a great way to figure out what types of strategies you should be including in your media plan, it’s also important to take a look at what doesn’t work.  

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Get the Most Out of Your Black Friday Advertising Strategy

Halloween isn’t even here yet, but brands are already prepping for the biggest shopping day of the year. Black Friday has become a very important day for brands – and planning is crucial for success! Here are a few ways that your business can take advantage and boost revenue this year.

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Marketing Tactics You’ll Want to Avoid

Looking to revamp your marketing strategy? A successful media plan can connect you with the right people, drive ROI and improve brand awareness. However, before you start to craft your new strategy, here are a few tactics you’ll want to avoid.

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How to Create an Effective Outdoor Advertisement

Billboards, bus wraps, mall kiosks and digital displays can help you reach a large number of people in a short period of time. However, with increasing on-the-go distractions, consumer’s attention spans are shorter than ever before. These tips will help you create an effective outdoor advertisement that catches the eye of your target audience and ensures your message leaves a lasting impression, all while increasing brand exposure. 

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What is the Zero Moment of Truth?

The internet has changed how consumers make buying decisions. These days, consumers don’t just head into the store to view products or learn about services from friends and family; they also take the time to research their options online.  This research stage is known as the Zero Moment of Truth.

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